Tour Press Force (TPF)We Came As Romans Touring This WinterPRESS RELEASE | SHARPTONE RECORDS MEDIA ALERT WCAR will hit the road on a headline run, dubbed “The Cold Like War Tour,” with The Plot In...
Kiya Gaskin (TPF)A Night of Quality Music is Only A Will AwayAlternative Rock ensemble A Will Away is making a trek from their hometown Naugatuck, Connecticut to Chicago on their new tour. A Will...
Tour Press Force (TPF)Wage War Revives MetalcoreWarped In Reverse - Episode #13 Interview by Cosmic-A (Monica Demattei) | Transcription by Tyler Peckham Wage War is a young Metalcore...
Kiya Gaskin (TPF) | Photography by Nahnalah_GChaos and Madness Ensued on Election Night at the LivewireAttila’s Chaos Tour lived up to its name. Chaos and madness ensued when Fronz and the rest of his tour mates played at Livewire in early...
Tour Press Force (TPF)Withered Bones — AZ Melodic HardcoreTour Press Force (TPF) sat down with Arizona's Melodic Hardcore stalwarts* Withered Bones, at Francisco Studios in Phoenix on November...
Tour Press Force (TPF)Marina City —The Genre You Didn't Know You Craved!In anticipation of their next tour featuring their EP Lost Doesn’t Mean Alone [Lost ≠ Alone], Tour Press Force (TPF) caught up with the...