Warped in Reverse, Episode #7
Interview by Cosmic-A (Monica Demattei) | Transcription by Tyler Peckham
After following Warped Tour for nine years as fans and catering helpers, Dead Avenue finally got a chance to play last summer…and they rocked the house down. Alex Ochoa (guitar), Danny Covarrubius (bass), TerryFay (drums), Mike Fabella (lead vocalist), and Steven Delman (guitar) are Ontario, California-based friends, who became Dead Avenue, a Post-Hardcore, Pop-Punk group.

So I’m Monica with Tour Press Force and I’m here with…
Dead Avenue: Alex, Danny, Teri, Steven, and Mikee
Alright so tell us a little bit about your sound.
We’re more of a really Post-Hardcore kind of band. We have a lot of heavy stuff, but we’re also really Pop-Punk as well. We have a lot of poppy choruses, so we kind of mix those two genres together.
What inspires you?
Trying to chase the dream, that’s what inspires me.
And what does that dream look like to you?
Us playing music for kids who appreciate what we do and making a decent living off of it…and hopefully being on the whole Warped Tour [would be the dream].
So do you have a goal set for when you’re going to go full stream?
Next year we’re going to do the whole thing. We’ve been following the tour for the past five days just helping out with catering. We asked Kevin [Lyman] if we could get a spot on today, and he said, “You’ve got 20 minutes tomorrow”.
So how’s the response?
Kids are digging it for sure. There was a cool crowd; there was a mosh pit even though it was hot. People were singing along to the songs, it was awesome. It’s crazy because we’ve been going to this Warped Tour festival for the past eight, nine years and we always say one day we’re going to play, and this year was our first time playing [Warped Tour] and it was awesome…and it was our hometown show [Pomona, CA].
How long have you guys been playing together?
We’ve been friends for like eight years, but as Dead Avenue, like two years.
Do you have any videos, albums, EPs, anything out right now?
We have The Great Barrier, our EP we just released about two months ago, and it’s on ITunes, Spotify, Google Play, hard copies. We also have Rebuilt, our full-length, that came out about two years ago. We’re working on new stuff right now, recording demos and figuring out another full-length so we can release that maybe next year.
Do you plan on going on tour any time soon?
It’s in the works right now.
Anything you want to say to your fans?
We love you and thank you guys so much for the support you give us and always sticking around through thick and thin, even coming out here in the heat just to watch us. The support we get makes it all worth it, it keeps us going.
Dead Avenue is currently doing small shows with other similar-genre bands as they work on their next full-length album. They will be playing Gideon’s Hall in Upland, CA on April 1, tickets available soon. They are managed by fellow Pop-Punk artist Adrian Estrella, vocalist for Assuming We Survive.
YouTube | Dead Avenue - Cutthroats [Terry Fay] Drum Video Live
We caught up with a few members of Dead Avenue hanging out at the NAMM Show last month in Anaheim. Keep an eye out for their video clip talking about their NAMM Show 2017 experience!
#TPForce #TPF #DeadAvenue #TheGreatBarrier #Rebuilt #VansWarpedTour #WarpedinReverse #WarpedTour2016 #AlexOchoa #DannyCovarrubius #TerryFay #StevenDelman #MikeeFabella #AndrianEstrella #AssumingWeSurvive #PostHardcore #PopPunk #KevinLyman #NAMMShow #NAMMShow2017 #TylerPeckham #NahnalahG #Cps #CosmicA #TourPressForce