Warped In Reverse - Episode #12 Interview by Cosmic-A (Monica Demattei) | Transcription by Kiya Gaskin

West Coast Indie-Pop band The Heirs made their debut Warped Tour run in 2016. Tour Press Force caught up with the five-piece group just before the last week of the tour. The Heirs are: vocalist Savannah Hudson, vocalist and guitarist Brandon Hudson, guitarists, synth players, and vocalists Alex Flagstad and Eian McNeely, and drummer Brennan Benko.
The Heirs were disappointed that summer was coming to a close, but looking back they understood that the tour had been a blast.
“It’s sad that it’s coming to an end,” Savannah Hudson said.
“We’ve really just enjoyed the experience.” Brandon Hudson said. “We’ve had a great time as a band. And we’ve made so many friends and lots of great fans. It’s awesome.”
Being an Indie band, The Heirs musically do not fit the normal Warped Tour sound. But the band came to find out that many at Warped are into discovering new music, so the genre of music did not make a difference.
“The Warped Tour scene – I wouldn’t say it is our scene,” Savannah Hudson said. “We kind of are here as outsiders. But it works because so many of the people are open to listening to new music. We go out into the lines every morning and we sing to them, kind of introducing them to our style of music and who we are. They are super open-minded and down to listen to anything, I feel like, so we’ve grown our fan base from that.”
“I would say it’s different from our friends at home because they know us super well and they know us in the LA scene. I feel like it’s different, but it’s the same.”
The Heirs even found Warped Tour to be a way to expand their fan base.
“Warped Tour was a good introduction to a broad environment of new kids and new fans,” Alex Flagstad said. “For us being a baby band and having a single out, this was the perfect introduction into meeting new fans and really building our solid foundation.”
Because The Heirs brought the music to the people, instead of waiting for people to come find them, they made it easier to capture fans and expose others to their sound.
“Every morning, we’re out showing them our music,” Flagstad said. “It’s not like they come knowing who we are, except for maybe a handful. So we’re going and just catching kids that don’t have a show when our show is. So we’re getting kids that really love The Maine or are here for Yellowcard or even here for Motionless in White.”
While many on the tour compared The Heirs to Echosmith and PVRIS, The Heirs encouraged listeners to think outside of the Warped Tour realm when listening to their music. They blend so many styles of music into theirs that it makes it difficult to pick just one specific influences on the group.
The most important thing that The Heirs wanted people to take away from their music is the idea that is okay to be an outsider. In an adult driven music industry, there needs to be those who do not follow a set path and those who break rules. The Heirs strive to do that with their music and hope to connect with others.
Warped Tour is a place for people of all different backgrounds to come together and bond over music. Those who feel like outsiders, those who feel forgotten are given a platform in which they recognize that they truly matter. Having a band such as The Heirs on the tour shows the inclusivity of the scene and demonstrates just how important everyone is.
Although they are not currently on tour, those who missed The Heirs on Warped Tour, The Heirs can checkout their music on Spotify and other music streaming platforms.
YouTube | What You Want - The Heirs (Official Music Video)
Follow The Heirs on Social Media:
Facebook: @TheHeirsMusicOfficial
Twitter: @TheHeirsMusic
Instagram: @theheirsmusic